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Author Topic: Buyers/Sellers Be Aware  (Read 10982 times)

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Offline Warren

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Buyers/Sellers Be Aware
« on: November 07, 2010, 01:36:40 PM »
Buyers/Sellers be aware

Here at BUGA.COM.AU we do all we can to ensure the on-line safety of all our members; we encourage the sharing of stories, information and resources.
Not everyone on the net shares the same level of respect for others though, and as such all buyers and sellers do so at their own risk. Buga will not be responsible for any items wanted, offered for sale, traded or swapped.

Buga cannot verify the Actions of those offering their services in the Wanted/For Sale section of this forum, so all users of these sections do so at their own risk, and should take every precaution to ensure that their transactions are completed with security and safety.

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I used to be vague..................Now I'm not so sure


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