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Author Topic: pivot points of steering rack and track rod.  (Read 1957 times)

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pivot points of steering rack and track rod.
« on: July 04, 2010, 06:42:58 PM »
i've just started putting in a ford scorpio 2.3 engine in my mk1 ambulance . i've measured the rack in the scorpio and its almost the same overall length as the cf one. the actual rack body is shorter though so the track rods are longer than the cfs. would the position where the track rod pivoted out of the rack made a difference, thinking a bit further it would be easier if the rods where different lengths, the rack positioned slightly towards the offside meaning that the n/s track rod would be longer than the o/s. i'm guessing that the hub can only follow a set arc when its pushed or pulled on to turn the wheel so the length shouldn't matter as long as nothing fouls, i usually think too basic and that everything is simple so i'm all prepared to be told otherwise, i havn't considered vertical movement of the hub. the other thing is ,because its only a camper and its not like a fine road holding suped up triumph spitfire :) is it that important, as long as it can be tracked up to drive straight and not wear the tyres and is mechanically safe, someone please shoot me down and i can concentrate on getting the engine in, thanks.

Offline Merlin

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Re: pivot points of steering rack and track rod.
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2010, 08:24:15 PM »
the inner pivot points on your rack need to pivot in harmony with your suspension draw an imaginary line through your upper 7 lower control arm inner pivot points and thats where the rack pivot should line up with in a straight ahead position otherwise you could suffer from terminal bump steer  :o      Cheers Neil


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