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Messages - helsid

Pages: [1]
Maintenance / Re: bleeding diesel cf
« on: September 14, 2009, 05:19:25 PM »
 removing air filter and using "Start Ya Bastard" down the throat.


Maintenance / Re: bleeding diesel cf
« on: September 14, 2009, 08:53:56 AM »
in the senter of the fuil pump you will see a littal screw undo that then pump the fuil pump un till the fuil comes out the screw it back.

then crack No 1 and 3 injector. turn the engine over and give it full gas untill the fuil come out.

then engine will try to start if the fuil starts to come out of the cracked injectors with full gas do the in jectors up then it will star.

when it dos keep it going on a fast tick over for a minit or 2 then you have bled your engine

all the best of luck hope that will help

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Introductions
« on: September 14, 2009, 08:24:04 AM »
Also please tell us how you came across this site ;D

Hi My Name is cyril davey i was born at 19/09/1943. I have an 1983 halom ambulans and have converted it to an campervan.
I took the 2.3 petrol engine out of the van and put a 2.3 opel diesel engine in the van.

This is the first time that I have been in to the site and will put some photos on when I find how to do it.

My nick name is Sid.

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