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CF 350 Breaks conversion by greasey monkey
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Advise on raising the rear end of a CF350 Motorhome. About 3.5T by johnxb351
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[August 06, 2024, 08:27:12 PM]

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Adjustable Upper Control Arms by Saville
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Topics - Bedfordcrazy

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Miscellaneous Technical / 2016
« on: December 31, 2015, 05:43:13 PM »
Hi All you buga's, hope everyone has a fun and safe New Years Eve and a happy new year.


Miscellaneous Technical / SHRINK PIC
« on: December 31, 2015, 07:47:46 AM »
Hey guys and girls, need some advice. On my old laptop i installed shrink pic and it worked a dream, all automatic. That laptop fried itself and i have a HP windows 7, but i can not seem to be able to add / download shrink pic on here, i even had my tech try with no success. Is there a reason why w7 wont let me.
Any help would be great.


« on: January 12, 2015, 08:30:44 AM »
Hi guys, i was watching a movie last night and about an hour in i was going to switch off, but then to my surprise a beddy drives onto the screen and i was hooked again. What theY made that beddy do on the streets of melbourne awesome. If you get a chance take a look at a Jackie Chan movie called THE NICE GUY.


« on: December 02, 2014, 07:57:08 AM »
Hi Guys, i have searched hi & lo and have had no luck, so hope to get some help here.
I am looking for a mobile brake and throttle cable maker. I need someone that can come out and measure up and make a  basic cable on site. I need someone in the Brisbane / Browns Plains area. Any help would be appreciated. thanks guys.


Exteriors and Interiors / 4 Wheel Disc Brakes
« on: August 28, 2014, 11:51:05 AM »
Hey guys, i was contacted this morning by a member regarding my disc brake conversion, so thought i would share my build pics with the group. The rear brakes are EA Falcon and front are HQ. Very simple conversion.So to get these pics i had to sort through over 10,000 pics i have taken of my van from the day i got it to now.


CF Bedford Chat / 3D Printers
« on: May 03, 2014, 12:17:19 PM »
Hi Guys, this is  for the tech heads on here. The other night i was watching a car show on tv. Anyhow they had this old caddy with rare tail lights, so they used a 3D printer to make an EXACT replica of the lights, down to the little dimples. I was looking at our beddy tail light lenses, and they are getting harder to find, why not someone on here start making and selling them to members who want original looking parts for their van. B4 you ask, i would love to be the one, but i can never work out how to programme the parts into the computer, i would have to pay someone to come out every time i want to make something till i got my head around it. Jaycar are selling printers for $1,200-00 now.

On another note, does anyone know if there is a business in brissy doing 3D printing yet, if so a contact number would be great.


Wanted / HELP
« on: October 24, 2013, 09:36:30 AM »
Hi guys, well i need advice again, and what better place to ask. I am sure there is a geek here.  ;) ;) ;D ;D

OK i am trying to buy something from the states, all is good till you put in your location, and the only option is US & CANADA. So i shot off an email to the company, and they sent back an email telling me how to do the purchase. They are using terms and stuff that i am not understanding, so can someone on here explain what they are telling me.

1.Can you pay via Paypal ? If so what is your paypal email address? Send me the order you'd like to purchase as well as your full ship to address and I can send you a Paypal money request.

I pasted the above straight from the email, so this is word for word. So what is my PAYPAL EMAIL ADDRESS. Any help would be great guys, THANKS.

Miscellaneous Technical / Not Bedford.
« on: February 04, 2013, 09:40:01 AM »
Hey Guys, this is not anything beddy, but when it comes to the fountain of knowledge where better to ask then here.

I am building a dune buggy, and i came across a gear shifter on you tube that a guy was using, being i cant change gears because of my amputations, i figure it would suit me, but i am BUGAed  lol  ;D if i can find any info on it or even the name.
So here is what it is. A shifter with D - N - R  It is a 3 position shifter, forward for drive, back for reverse, neutral, real simple. So what do they call this type of shifter, where can i get one here in oz or bris  ?? Thanks guys. Here is a pic of what i am doing.

Also, i learnt something new last night about KIWI cops, i always thought they carried guns on duty, but they are like british cops and only specialist units carry, very interesting. The show is 24 hrs : POLICE.


Miscellaneous Technical / KIWI DVD ENQUIRY
« on: November 18, 2012, 08:48:24 AM »
This is to all the kiwis, i have just received an email about a new dvd release. Its a New Zealand Underbelly release. For those that have seen the aussie underbelly's and the kiwi one, is the kiwi production as good as the oz ones.


Miscellaneous Technical / How Low Can A Beddy Go ?
« on: December 08, 2011, 10:43:15 AM »
Hey guys, this is not to my taste, but i do know there are a lot of little bugas in here that like to go low on a beddy. I was looking for some info on my LWB project van, yep the one i dont have yet, lol  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;)  And i found this info, so thought i would pass it on, and hope it helps.


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