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Messages - Smartalec

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
CF Bedford Chat / Re: SA buga,s
« on: February 06, 2012, 03:37:09 AM »
im out in the country of SA, but sadly a certain nasty female cop picked on my van a year ago, an i have'nt got it off the defect sticker yet

so if i changed from a 3 to a 4, does that meen i can then go 110kms instead of the boring 80kms, i can do 110kms now but it use's like twice the amount of fuel, an the motor wines like hell

NSW bit of a drive - but if you put it in. my miss's likes the idea of a 25hr country drive (dont know if i do tho..lol)

going from 3 speed to 4 speed would meen i would save petrol an go the speed limit on the hiways  ;D

is that the M20 or M21 im seeing a couple of different types on ebay

holden 202 an 3speed, whats the easyest to put in place of it?
a celica 5speed, or an aussie 4 speed.
as i dont know much, but love the learning along the way.

something to unbolt an bolt up would be great.. even if i had to cut a new hole in the floor for it..

please help..

the reason i suggested the above, as i herd they were easy?

otherwise anyone fancy the job in SA..lol

Electrics, Audio and Security / Re: Remote central locking.
« on: October 16, 2009, 12:37:50 AM »
it was real easy to setup, easer than the miss's car (she liked mine after i finished)
the only problem i seem to have is the screw looking blocks that connects the rods.
an the driver door is a bit of a hair trigger when not shut properly.. (door drops)

i got the yellow stronger ones..
the only thing is there not strong enouth an only pop not hold for as long as power is connected..
eg i tryed using one as the inside door opener for the side door. (looks good, dont work tho)

The Sump / Re: Warning Country SA Cops, Hating Bedfords
« on: October 13, 2009, 01:24:50 PM »
i have had a few people in geelong warn me that i will be pulled over alot once i get the beddy on the road...
either that or its using the persons pride in their work to illegally search the vehicle?

they will pull you over cause your a van, or follow (tailgate) you just to make you do something wrong.

they use the random breathteast to pull u over. (even the cop said i expected it to be 0 at this hour)
they love to have a search in the back, an will go an far as to get you to do the moving of the stuff.
if you dont comply a yellow canary will be issued for anything he fancys.. (so i have been told)

but i have sorta solved the cops doing what they want.. just tell them there on video servailance in an around the van..
reversing cammera an a dome cammera in the frount does that trick..

then they do there job an be polite.. (just incase i send a copy off to there boss).

The Sump / Re: Warning Country SA Cops, Hating Bedfords
« on: October 12, 2009, 10:18:51 PM »

I think you will find that it is any old car at the moment.
Recently a friend got pulled up in a VR Commodore Wagon that had just passed rego and the cops went over it looking for something to book her for. A mate with an older Ford camper van told me that the NSW RTA are now making home visits inspecting old cars that have just passed rego.

So basicly since i know nothing about bodywork or fibreglassing to fix up the rust comming up in the gutter's.
im beddy, the one i want to be burred in, will be taken of the road..
thats so sad to hear..

does'nt the government know we all cant afford $20,000 for a car less than 20yrs old..
Im on the disabled pension im not rich, but when i brought my bedford it made me feel like the richest man in the world..

i always thought it was jealous, cause they dont have one..

i just dont like the law that states, a cop can say there is a fault with the van, after all the hassle of getting it checked an getting a report back saying no fault. the cop that orginaly said there was a fault, gets away with it.

Eg it's called Police Harassment, certain cops out there like to pick on certain people just for the fun of it with no true facts of anything.
As for the Inspection of the back area of the van, well lets just say every time im pulled over there looking in the back,
probably looking for the 10 dead cops i transported last week.. ;D an the weed crop i grow in there while i travel.. :D
Get a Life cops an due your job, not harass bedford owners, who like a shagin wagon on wheels.. (an not hit your head)

The Sump / Warning Country SA Cops, Hating Bedfords
« on: October 05, 2009, 04:02:42 PM »
Warning Country SA Cops, Hating Bedfords.
sounds harsh but true.
there's been cops around the Snowtown area picking on bedfords.
he got me for a tire, but wanted to try for rust.
he apparently just got another icecream bedford like 20minutes before hand, oily motor etc..
im from adelaide an the cops here laughed that the country cops get off picking on old classic cars like bedfords.

an just to let you know he was picking on the bedford, there was a car behide me that looked like a roo hit the motor an was crumbled up, but he left them alone just to try an get the bedford off the road..
if bedfords are supposed to have dead bodies inside, i could think of a couple..lol

Electrics, Audio and Security / Re: Indicators
« on: August 21, 2009, 12:45:46 PM »
how much do you know about wiring?
in other words if we told you the type of lead to hunt down, etc..

eg extend each indicator wire left/right, an a positive.. touch the positive to the wire an it will light, so you touch it then take it off, touch it, etc.. need a passanger(hence extending the wires.)

cause im a master of a bodge job, if you want to get it home..
how many left an right turns is there?

Electrics, Audio and Security / Re: Indicators
« on: August 20, 2009, 01:42:30 AM »
i have to ask this, what motor are you running so we could know routhly where things could be?

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