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Cf Bedford for sale by Gunning
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Messages - The Beast

Pages: [1]
For Sale / Re: 1976 CF250 Parts FOR FREE
« on: April 14, 2009, 08:29:08 PM »
thats the go.!!
guys how we doing i'm gonna be on the hunt for another cf250 but must be windowless, 6 or 8 is fine and stocky or hotty also fine, must also have side door and rear doors or one peice but no welded shut thanks guys
Regards                                                  Nigel

CF Bedford Chat / Re: Van Nats - Geelong
« on: April 13, 2009, 10:14:00 PM »
The Van Nats Where A Blast, After all these years the 3 legends together at last, The Beast, The Judge And Mistic Fantasy Remember this has never happend before.
Have Fun Guys 

Regards Nigel

Cruises and Events / Re: 34th Australian Van Nats Easter 2009
« on: March 09, 2009, 03:41:31 PM »
welcome Nigel Id best put the beasties  in an upcoming poll with the rest then.  ;D
;)Hey Craig How you doin

Cruises and Events / Re: 34th Australian Van Nats Easter 2009
« on: March 08, 2009, 08:41:17 AM »

contact me for entry forms or call for more info: 0432 916 220
Hi Daz just thought I'd say g'day, I registered on this site last night so i'm now a member. I had a good look around the site and really like it. Also Just to confirm with everyone to that the Beast (come ran hail or shine) will be at the Nats this year but please remember shes not the show quality vehicle she used to be. I'm currently trying to get club reg on her at the moment, I will keep you all posted. Cant wait for this one (the nats)
Regards    Nigel :D ;D

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